<% dim currentItem = "class=active" If Session("menu.option") Is Nothing Then Session.Add("menu.option", "home") End If Session("menu.home") = "" Session("tag.home") = "Home Page of Vintage Electric Cars" Session("menu.cars") = "" Session("tag.cars") = "View our collection of vintage electric cars" Session("menu.galleries") = "" Session("tag.galleries") = "View high resolution images of our vintage electric cars" Session("menu.awards") = "" Session("tag.awards") = "Awards which have been won by our vintage electric cars" Session("menu.blog") = "" Session("tag.blog") = "Blog articles related to vintage electric cars" Session("menu.video") = "" Session("tag.video") = "View our video library of our vintage electric cars" Session("menu.shows") = "" Session("tag.shows") = "View information about upcoming and past vintage car shows" Session("menu.contact") = "" Session("tag.contact") = "Contact information for Vintage Electric Cars" Select Case Session("menu.option") Case "home" Session("menu.home") = currentItem Case "galleries" Session("menu.galleries") = currentItem Case "cars" Session("menu.cars") = currentItem Case "awards" Session("menu.awards") = currentItem Case "blog" Session("menu.blog") = currentItem Case "video" Session("menu.video") = currentItem Case "shows" Session("menu.shows") = currentItem Case "contact" Session("menu.contact") = currentItem End Select %>